Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion music video production motion picture creator videographer

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TV report on the discussion of the report of the coal commission in the state parliament of...

coal commission, exit from coal, report, structural change, Alliance 90/The Greens, Gunter Walther (City Councilor Weißenfels), Reiner Priggen (member of the coal commission), TV report, Burgenlandkreis , interview

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion - the most economical and yet professional way to record events, conferences, concerts, discussions, theater performances ...
for release on TV, Web, BluRay, DVD

High goals, but only a small budget - a big challenge?

These two things usually don t go together. However, Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion is the exception to the rule. Our cameras are of the same type and latest generation, but they have large 1 inch image sensors. Excellent image quality is achieved even under challenging lighting conditions. The use of programmable motorized pan-tilts allows remote camera control and reduces manpower, resulting in cost savings.

Our range of services

Multi-camera video production (parallel recording with multiple cameras)

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion offers you the multi-camera video recording and production. For such productions we use cameras of the same type. When it comes to image quality, Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion makes no compromises. The recording is at least in 4K/UHD. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p as well.
Video production of concerts, theater performances, readings ...

In the video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings, etc., several cameras are of course used. The multi-camera recording makes it possible to capture the many areas of the event from different perspectives in the picture. Remote controlled cameras are used. The cameras are controlled in a variety of ways from just one central point. In this way, 5 or more cameras can be controlled by just one person. An entire event can be fully recorded by just one person.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

Through working as a video journalist for many years, I was able to gain relevant experience in this area. Hundreds of video reports and TV contributions have been made over the years. Both the topics and the locations were very diverse. These included breaking news and information, cultural and sporting events, competitions, social events and much more. Due to our extensive experience, we can produce TV reports and video reports for you on almost any topic.
Video recording of interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc.

We also use multiple cameras to record interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc. If the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person, two cameras are sometimes completely sufficient. However, if it is an interview or conversation situation with several people, we naturally rely on the multi-camera method. Depending on whether it is an event with an audience, remote-controlled cameras can also be used here. If rounds of talks without an audience are to be video-recorded, the motor pan-tilt may not be necessary. This reduces the technical effort.
Editing and editing of video and audio material

Of course, recording events, concerts, interviews and discussions is not enough. The next step after video recording is video cutting or video editing. During the video editing, the soundtracks and audio tracks are viewed, adjusted and mixed at the same time. Additional text, image and video material as well as blurbs are also designed and integrated during the video editing. You can also submit existing image, text, video and audio material. If, for example, the audio tracks of a concert recording are to be mastered, we can do this or you can supply it as a file.
Small series of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

Do you need CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs in small quantities? Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion is your partner. CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs offer particular advantages over other storage media, and not just for archiving. Memory cards, hard drives and USB sticks are not designed to last forever. Since Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs contain no electronic components, this potential vulnerability and cause of data loss is absent. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs are the best choice for selling, giving away or archiving music and videos as a keepsake.

From our references
Shocking news: murderer on the loose! Widow pathetically strangled and robbed!

Shocking: murderer on the loose! Widow brutally strangled and ... »
Christine Beutler im Dialog mit Amy, der engagierten Bildungswandlerin, Lernbegleiterin und Mama, über neue Lernorte, Schulgründungen und die transformative Reise, auf der Eltern zu ihrer inneren Kraft finden.

Amy, als leidenschaftliche Bildungswandlerin, Lernbegleiterin und Mama, spricht mit ... »
The 15th Stadtwerke Cup in indoor football in the town hall in Weißenfels was a great success. In interviews with Matthias Hauke ​​and Ekkart Günther, the special challenges of holding such a tournament are discussed.

The best teams in the region met in Weißenfels as part of the 15th Stadtwerke Cup in indoor ... »
We have to fall much deeper! - A resident of the Burgenland district

We have to fall much deeper! - Interview with a citizen from the Burgenland ...»
The perfect chimney installation for Frank Mackrodt's house: Kaminmarkt Weißenfels UG advises you on the correct firing and the ideal chimney installation in order to achieve the best result.

Frank Mackrodt would like to have a fireplace installed in his home? Kaminmarkt Weißenfels ... »
TV report: WHV 91 wins the exciting handball game against SV 07 Apollensdorf in Burgenlandkreis.

WHV 91 against SV 07 Apollensdorf in Burgenlandkreis: The Weißenfels handball club celebrates ... »

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion international
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Монгол · mongolian · 몽고 어
lëtzebuergesch · luxembourgish · luxemburgilainen
қазақ · kazakh · tiếng kazakh
한국인 · korean · koreansk
Русский · russian · rússneska, rússi, rússneskur
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