Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion media producer Video concert recording Production of video interviews

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Results of our work

4K recording of the handball game of the Verbandsliga Süd: WHV 91 versus SV Anhalt...

Saxony-Anhalt, WHV 91 (Weissenfels handball club 1991), complete game, Verbandsliga Süd, Burgenland district , handball game, 4K TV recording, SV Anhalt Bernburg II

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion - the most economical and yet professional way of recording concerts, theater performances, events, discussions...
for release on TV, Web, BluRay, DVD

High demands vs. small budget?

Most of the time you have to decide between these options. Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion is the exception to the rule. We use modern cameras of the same type of the latest generation with large 1-inch image sensors. Excellent image quality is guaranteed despite difficult lighting conditions. The use of programmable motorized pan-tilts makes remote control of the cameras possible, which reduces manpower and saves money.

We offer the following services, among others

Synchronous recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion is your partner when it comes to multi-camera recordings and video production. We use cameras of the same type. This ensures identical picture quality even with 4K/UHD. The video editing takes place on high-performance computers. As one of the few video producers, Düsseldorf Medien TV Videoproduktion can produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video production of concerts, theater performances, readings ...

When it comes to video recording theater performances, concerts, readings, etc., we naturally use the multi-camera method. Only through multi-camera video production is it possible to record many areas of the event simultaneously in image and sound. Remote controlled cameras are used. From a central point, a cameraman has everything in view and can align the cameras in a variety of ways. This reduces manpower and costs because a single person can control multiple cameras.
Video reports for television and the Internet

Thanks to many years of activity, we can also draw on a wealth of experience in this area. Hundreds of video reports and TV reports have been produced and broadcast over the years. The topics were as varied as the places reported on. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Our wealth of experience makes it possible for you to research all conceivable subject areas in order to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc.

Depending on what the client wants and how the situation is on site, several cameras are also used for interviews, rounds of talks, discussion events, etc. For simple interviews with only one person, 2 cameras can be sufficient if the questioner is not to be shown in the picture. When it comes to interview or conversation situations in which several people take part, we naturally rely on the proven multi-camera method. The extent to which remote-controlled cameras must be used depends on whether the event is attended by an audience. The technical effort is reduced if the video recording is of discussions without an audience.
Video editing, video adjustment, audio editing

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is understandably only one side of the coin. After video recording, video editing is the logical next step in video production. The soundtracks or audio tracks have to be adjusted and mixed while the video material is being edited. The integration of additional text and image material as well as the integration of logos and blurbs also takes place during the video editing. We also cut videos from their or material from other sources. If the soundtracks of a concert recording are to be remixed and mastered, you can supply them accordingly.
Manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small quantities

We can offer you the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs in small series. When it comes to archiving audio, video and data, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer clear advantages. USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives have a limited shelf life. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs lack electronic components. Thus, these potential weak points and causes for data loss are missing. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs for music and video are therefore the first choice as a souvenir, as a gift or for sale.

From the results of over 2 decades of video production
Interview with Carsten Nock from the State Commissioner for Data Protection: The GDPR General Data Protection Regulation and its importance for associations.

Data protection in clubs: Heimtaverein Teuchern informs about the GDPR General Data ... »
How do you destroy people? - The Citizens' Voice of the Burgenland District

How do you destroy ... »
Shedding: danger for the unvaccinated? - The Citizens' Voice of the Burgenland District

Ninja's experiences with shedding: Danger for the unvaccinated? - The Citizens' ... »
Listening instead of being obedient - the citizens' voice of the Burgenland district

Listen instead of being obedient - A letter from a citizen of the Burgenland ... »
TV reporting: The Astro Kids and Terra Blue exhibitions in the Schöne Aussicht shopping center inspire visitors

A look behind the scenes of the Astro-Kids and Terra Blue exhibitions in the Schöne ... »
Demo / walk, media criticism, Kurt Tucholsky, Weissenfels, Day of German Unity

Demonstration / walk, media criticism, Kurt Tucholsky, Weissenfels, October 3, ... »
Midwife in focus: Reese & Ërnst discover a heartbreaking story - local stories

Dramatic turnaround: A midwife hanged - Reese & Ërnst solve the ... »
Weißenfels young people measure their strength at the Stadtwerke Cup - TV report from the rowing club.

Youth sports in the Burgenland district: TV report on the Stadtwerke Cup in the ...»

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Uppdatering gjord av Jianxin da Silva - 2024.09.29 - 01:06:50